
Choose a theme

Your information has been saved successfully!
Alerts are easy ways to bring important attention to the user, and are dismissable at the user's request. They can be rendered in each one of bootstrap's eight colours

Breadcrumbs indicate where a user is in the hierarchy of the website, and how they can return to previous pages. They could also be used to show where the user could browse to from here

The buttonlist renders buttons on a horizontal plain, each displaying their own bootstrap colour and executing their own javascript set in the Action property

Important yes/no question
The Checkbox is the visual indicator of a boolean question, checked for true and unchecked for false

Select multiple colours
The Checkbox list is a multiple-select option list, displayed as many checkboxes on the vertical plain. The user can opt to render a 'show all' checkbox or not.

Birth date
The date element simply requests that the user selects a date. The UpperRange and LowerRange accept English values such as 'today' or 'tomorrow' to limit entry

End of financial year
The date function element contains a value of a calculated date, based on the function that the user can select from a list

Job Title
Senior Developer
The Display element is not an input control at all, but rather just displays a value to the user

Enter the value for Pi
The Float element captures decimal data from the user.

Hopefully, you cannot see the value in this hidden component. It is designed to be hidden for the user, but used programmatically. You can see it if you view the source of this page

Custom HTML
Custom Template
Type : Text
Value : DemoValue
The HTMLTemplate component allows the user to design there own templates and merge information from an instatiated object into placeholders found in the template

Loxsoft website
A simple hyperlink, configured to open in a new tab, or the existing one

What a pretty flower!

A Listing component displays an image next to some HTML text. The user has the option of placing the image on the left or the right

Choose a country
The lookup is a single selection component to choose one of many pre-defined options. They can be grouped together using the Group property

The Number element captures integer data from the user.

Enter in your password
The Password control allows a user to enter in a string value without it displaying as characters in the input, but rather asterisks

Select one single colour
The Radiolist is a single-select option list, displayed as many radios on the vertical plain.

Favourite meal
The Text control allows a user to enter in a string value. The UpperRange property limits the max number of characters

Shopping list
The Text area is designed for multiple-line text input. Set the TextAreaRows property to extend the initial height of the control

Form Title

The Text area is designed for multiple-line text input. Set the TextAreaRows property to extend the initial height of the control

The tree is awesome

Select a hierarchy
The tree is awesome




Card header
This is the subtitle
Card HTML Body
Card header
This is the subtitle
Card HTML Body
Card header
This is the subtitle
Card HTML Body


Primary Secondary Success Danger Info Warning Light Dark


StockIdItem nameStatusAvailableArrival date
1Yellow socksIn stock452022-07-01
2Blue shirtIn stock232022-06-21
3Red bandanaWaiting for stock02022-04-10
4Purple pantsIn stock32021-12-05
5Gaming socksIn stock672022-07-01
6Leather jacketIn stock1232022-03-12
7Magenta tieIn stock212022-02-16


Date of birth
Date of birth